在520「我愛你」的好日子,Laine Jewellery 的全新網頁及Blog終於面世!身為珠寶及鑽石愛好者,我們希望透過這網誌為大家定期發放實用又貼心的資訊與分享,我們定於每個月的20日上載新blog post,分享珠寶知識、鑽石小貼士、新品發佈等必讀實用文及懶人包,更會有期間限定推廣及的送禮活動!所以大家記得每逢「二零」的日子到我們的blog一遊,應該很易容記得的——記著我的名字就是了 ;)
先在此預告一下.... 6月20日的帖文將會是 Laine Jewellery 的首個送禮活動,將送出與鑽飾有關的實用小法寶,亦是我真心推介的好物,大家密切留意!
Laine Jewellery的出發點就是為大家提供貼心的珠寶諮詢服務,歡迎大家透過電郵或Whatsapp隨時免費查詢,任何有關珠寶的問題也無任歡迎,絕對零壓力!同時別忘記追蹤我們的Instagram及Facebook,接收第一手資訊!
Happy 520! We’re excited to announce the launch of Laine Jewellery’s new website and blog today! Watch our space for a brand new blog post every 20th of the month. We’ll be sharing plenty of practical tidbits, such as jewellery 101, diamond fun facts, product tips, plus surprise giveaways. Don’t miss our first giveaway on 20th June, and spread the word too!
Laine Jewellery’s mission is to offer personalised jewellery consultation services to anyone in need. Got a question? Just drop us an email or Whatsapp message and we’ll be glad to give you our advice, absolutely free of charge. Also don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest scoop!
Elaine 💌
Whatsapp: https://wa.me/message/ZEQO46NKTJVVM1
E-mail: info@lainejewellery.com